Over the years we have been looking for a convenient, cost effective and fulfilling way to help the less fortunate in terms of feeding or providing meals for them. We worked with food analysts and came have finally developed a product called a Yummy Meal. These meals are pre packed in plastic bags and contain primarily vegetable soy, rice and dried vegetables which are nutritionally beneficial to whoever may consume them.
With over 20g protein and 55g carbs per 100g serving, we feel we have covered the primary contributors for a balanced diet. The contents are added to boiling water and is ready to serve in 25min. The Yummy Bags are available to the public to purchase at a price of R20 and comfortably feed a family of 4. We hope for corporates and individuals to purchase these bags and handout at will to people residing on the streets instead of irresponsibly handing over money which only attributes to lives of zero responsibility